Vermont spring comes late but then unrolls four times as fast as anywhere else, like we're watching capture-motion photography. I didn't have the usual allergies and thought maybe the mild winter had kept the pollens down. Then, a few days after school got out, the allergies hit hard probably followed closely by an opportunistic cold.
I was really shocked this year--I was weak, tired, achy. My throat was pain. It's a tribute to my privilege of health that I'm so unfamiliar with feeling physically unwell. Also, it was just bad.
We ordered pizza twice.
Fortunately (?) my daughter succumbed before me, and I made a big pot of chicken noodle soup for her. The next day when I was sick, the leftovers tasted like heaven. I had no idea. We had Ritz crackers in the house, which was very good.
Ramen: kid made ramen for lunch a couple times. So I'm glad I had that on hand for her.
I lost all interest in eating salads.
When I started to feel better, I made rice in the cooker and baked a turkey breast that I had defrosted the day before.
When I was well enough to go to the store, I bought deli salsa (uncooked; my favorite) and it tasted AMAZING after days without vegetables.
Also relatively easy: pumpkin pie using canned ingredients and a store-bought graham cracker crust.
NYT Berry Buckle, made two with doubled recipe. The hot cooked berries are heaven.